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Member Since 26 Nov 2011
Offline Last Active Mar 24 2013 12:39 AM

Aftermarket 02 sensor Recomendations

09 January 2012 - 10:47 PM

Just looking at getting an aftermarket o2 sensor, I don't fell like paying 490 for a genuine does anybody recommend any?
I would prefer to order something online But would want to get something i know works that someone else has used with good results Thanks

Ecu output for fans + resistance

01 January 2012 - 02:56 AM

Hi again !
trying to work out witch ecu output is used for fans and is it 12 volt ,
so far i have tryed from the ecu color chart, 3 radiator fan relay low ac color green black,
11 fan relay ac green white (has constant power) 16 radiator fan relay high ac , none of them seem to work , tested buy putting sensor in a jug/kettle and waited to see if any power to my relays or the wires with ignition on (engine not runnin) ,

does anyone know witch one i should be useing and also maybe some sensor resistance charts thanks !

will my engine start with no water temp sender ?

21 December 2011 - 06:58 AM

hi been trying to get my evo powered van going for few days now discovered injectors not pulsing , just realized tonight i have no water temp sensor to the ecu , (installed aftermarket gauge and factory dash sender, can anyone confirm disconnecting water temp sensor that should go to ecu would cause car no to start ? has spark but no injector pulse , i have wired in engine check light and have not seen it come on at all , .. anyone no the answer would be good to know thanks

hi from NZ

26 November 2011 - 08:38 AM

Hi there just joined up but have been usein alot of the great info shared on this forum for a few weeks now, i am currently doing a e2 engine conversion to my l300 van, also have a e7 with a few light mods ,
Van is not far away from finishing now just some i/c plumbing and wireing to be done , so may need some help/advice from anyone


evo 1 -3 ecu power help on engine conversion

26 November 2011 - 08:15 AM

Hi i was just wondering if anybody could do a ruff diagram on how you get power to your evo 1 2 3 ecu ,
I am doing an e2 engine conversion to my van im about to do the ecu , i was going to go aftermarket but thought i would try the stock ecu first , i have traced some wireing on the loom and read lots from this forum , just starting i am just not 100% sure where i put power onto the ecu, do i just tap onto pins 12 or 25 on the ecu , do i power up the mpi relay or is there another wire or plug i can trace back , along with the ecu plugs on the loom there are two other long plugs witch to me look like the power supply may come from , metering the wires they seem to goto mfi relay where i am not sure witch contacts switch , but the black and yellow wires that are supossed to have constant power (from what i have read) seem to goto the ecu , im not sure if power should be going from the ecu to the mfi or if the power suply comes from mfi to ecu ,

I have seperate relays for fuel pump and fans so not sure if i need mfi , everytnhing else should just lug in (hopefully)
any help or advice would be great as im trying to not fry anything if i can help it :) thanks