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Member Since 28 Nov 2011
Offline Last Active Nov 26 2012 11:06 PM

#259669 THE (Original) Rumbuck

Posted by Rumbuck on 23 July 2012 - 03:39 AM

nah, rifle mount, no use wasting ammo

#259518 gt a car for my bday and need to a bov sound without spending much money

Posted by Rumbuck on 20 July 2012 - 08:14 AM

dont tell rumbuck about this, he will rig it up to sound like a truck air clutch and be double clutching everywhere he goes (up and down gears)...vrrroOom, psssht pssht, vroo0000oooom, psssht pssht, vrooooOOOOOoooooom, etc, etc

Furtermore, just saw this.

And so go the lol's.

+10 Internets for you good sire!

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#259357 gt a car for my bday and need to a bov sound without spending much money

Posted by Rumbuck on 17 July 2012 - 11:28 PM

Though, it makes me curious as to why, if everyone else has "dude where's my car" rides, and you are living "tha gud lyf" and your parents have so much money and stuff....why not just go the whole hog and throw a REAL turbo on with a REAL relief valve??

#258595 1988 Silver Galant VR4 SA

Posted by Rumbuck on 04 July 2012 - 05:46 AM

Yeah, looks like a good tidy sleeper. I mean, you see a heap of Galant's around like yours that are just normal crappy ones with the VR4 bodykit, and then you come across the good, true ones, that have had most of the work under the hood, those ones shine out. Good to see one that looks just simple, not ridiculously OTT like some of the others that you see around.

#257893 Legality of Volume Adjustable Mufflers (VAREX, IVEX, XFORCE, etc)

Posted by Rumbuck on 20 June 2012 - 04:20 AM

Hey guys,

Now, with twin 5.5" Truck Stacks on top of my little ute, she has a fair bit of a drone on the highway. Not sure how she will go with the new 2.0l in her, but we'll see. The old 1.5l was measuring 102.8 at 4000 revs with the stacks, so I'll just make the leap of faith her and guess that the 2.0l DOHC will be louder what with more displacement and all.

Now, I have scoured ADR's, and I can't see anything that specifically outlaws them, I've also checked NT Traffic Regs and can't seem to find anything, a call into the Inspection Station in Darwin yielded nothing, the blokes there didn't know what the go was with them and I spoke to three inspectors.

Now, does anyone here have any idea what the legality of them is? As my understanding of the situation is that as long as your system, as it is sitting, does not exceed the maximum rated exhaust noise for the year of the build (So in my case it's around 93db) when on the street/public road/public place, then it is allowed, and once you get on private property, do what you want (SO car show, Ute muster, B'n'S Ball, etc).

Now, seeing as I surpass the 93db already, I'm technically illegal, however I have never been pulled up for it before, and I've run full noise off the lights before in front of a copper and I didn't spin tyres, didn't torque steer, just got up to speed quickly and efficiently...and with a bit of noise...

So, what does everyone think, references would be nice as vaidation.

#257609 Street Tuning a Vehicle

Posted by Rumbuck on 14 June 2012 - 11:55 AM

True, but tossing up $900 that I don't have on a dyno tune, or me and my mates doing it ourselves over a weekend to get away from the ministers for war and finance...