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Member Since 29 Nov 2011
Offline Last Active Jun 04 2013 01:29 AM

In Topic: Housing where oil filter and oil switch attach?

02 February 2012 - 04:09 AM

Hey all.
Not sure what it's called, but the housing where the oil filter and oil switch attach to on my 97 RVR HSG is cracked, and leaking oil.
Does anyone know what this is called, and maybe where to source one?

Or can it be welded?

Some people call it a oil filter housing part number MD317746 plus you will most likely to find on most front wheel drive 4G6's such as Nimbus Cordia and later galants with 4g6 motors and is quite expensive for what it is could try car dismantlers

In Topic: Oil leak on RVR ><!

02 February 2012 - 03:55 AM

Is this the bolt circle in red that you're referring to? What sealant should I use?

I'm going to read the link you provided, Thanks!

Posted Image

I think we have a misunderstanding Its the bolt that houses the Bearing With the blue seal in the picture the sealant that i use is three bond this sealant is what Mitsubishi uses just cover the bolt from the head to the end of the thread

In Topic: Oil leak on RVR ><!

01 February 2012 - 12:27 AM

Hi oldmits, thanks for pointing out!

My rvr leak oil like a running tap :( , and I hope its the adjusting bolt for the "B" belt pulley (Small Belt). I'm still researching on parts and how to put things back on correctly...

Yes its the adjusting bolt for the 'B' belt small belt make sure the thread is sealed check this link out


with or without the shafts make sure it's sealed

In Topic: Oil leak on RVR ><!

19 January 2012 - 10:58 PM

Hi Guys I have been reading your posts on oil leaks regarding 4G6X motors Regardless what car they are fitted into The number one oil leak is and not many people realize that it may happen is the adjusting bolt for the "B" belt pulley (Small Belt ) At any time when removing or adjusting the balance belt all ways apply a good quality sealant to the threads of the bolt As being a Retired Mitsubishi tech i have seen this so many times Balance belt breaks due to belt covered in oil but the main belt is dry A easy way to check is to remove the the bolt and pulley and let sit for a hour or so and you will see how much oil comes out of the hole ( Imagine that under pressure ) But still make sure also that all gaskets and seals are in good condition B)

In Topic: What is the tire pressure you use?

01 December 2011 - 10:01 PM

Just use what is stated on the car !!! 38 front 36 rear :rolleyes: