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Member Since 02 Dec 2011
Offline Last Active Sep 28 2019 03:07 AM

Wrecking '94 GSR

17 August 2012 - 11:11 AM

Hey everyone,

GSR Shell and Motor SOLD.

Got a GT35r Turbo with .64 rear housing for sale. No shaft play. Will come with TiAL MVS V-Band Wastegate with screamer pipe and manifold similar to 6boost to suit 4g93.

asking $2500, open to offers.

Located in WA

PM offers.

Hello from Perth

12 July 2012 - 08:29 AM

Hello guys,

Finally getting around to making an intro... My name is James. I am pretty new to the car scene..

I used to own a Lancer GSR (which I am now pulling apart) and I just yesterday picked up a completely stock '87 J-spec Galant Vr4 for pretty cheap. It's unregistered and it has definitely seen better days so I'm starting to fix it up and Im gonna put it through the pits soon. It definitely needs a new exhaust (sounds like it has a hole and rattles like crazy), and some rust cleaned out as well as a good wash!

Once I've got it registered i plan on doing some basic mods like installing new intercooler piping and a new intercooler, new coilovers, new air filter, and fitting whatever else i can pull out of my GSR. Maybe later down the track ill go for a new turbo and some less practical things, but at this point in time i dont feel the need (or have the funds) to do that kind of stuff.

Cheers, James