Hi everyone, i'm having a serious problem with my VR4, its not firing on plug 2 & plug 3.
So far i replaced the plugs, leads, coilpack, CAS all with brand new parts, all with no luck fixing the problem, ive taken the plugs out and plugs 2 & 3 are clean and smell of fuel (1&4 are dark and have been firing, i took the timing cover off and the cam timing looks right, it's got me stuffed what is wrong, anyone got any ideas out there?
the problem originated when i was on my way back from surfers on sunday, i stopped at supercheap to get some stuff, when i started the car again everything was fine and then after about 30 seconds of idling the idle dropped to about 600rpm and had had a bad misfire, since then i have replaced all them parts with no luck at all.
Anyone got any ideas?
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