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Member Since 30 Dec 2011
Offline Last Active Jun 12 2015 05:39 AM

In Topic: Mitsubishi Libero CD5W 4G93 SOHC 1.8... CRAZY PROBLEM !!!!

12 June 2015 - 05:13 AM

Thanks guys :thumbsup:


been off the grid for a while :ph34r:


finally we did solve the problem by taking a wild shot of replacing the injectors and all was well, after

on inspecting the defective injectors we notice they were cloged with residue of a rusting gas tank

the fine strains of particle managed to by pass the intank pump filter and after a perioid of time cloged

the injectors .. they couldn't keep up with fuel delivery


did a fuel tank repair also replaced pump and flush the fuel lines..


Thanks for the support guys :thumbsup: