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Member Since 21 Jan 2012
Offline Last Active May 12 2024 10:02 AM

suspension stuff

04 August 2017 - 12:40 PM

Hi there everybody. Looking for info/ places to get stuff for my 1991  A spec vr4. suspension wise it doesn't appear to ever have had a bush replace in its 300,000km life

ive been able to find and source nearly every bush that you can think of, but im struggling with the Front subframe -> body bushes, and on the rear i cant find replacements for upper and lower Ball joints( might need to buy complete control arms, not sure), Front and rear Cradle bushes, 

thinking of doing everything in 1 hit and sort out the alignment issues i appear to be having once and for all.

any ideas where to get these from, if possible at all ?

oh, where is the best place for some adjust able strut tops at the moment?

Thanks in advance, Melv.