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Member Since 07 Apr 2006
Offline Last Active Jun 16 2008 08:38 AM

In Topic: FS EVO 6 Custom Intake Manifold, EVO 3 Motor (needs rebuild)

27 April 2008 - 11:57 AM

Please get me a shipping quote on the diff and Transfer separate AND combined to 4817 Townsville.


Also struts about $100-200 ONO,but needs some sort of base figure.


I will try and get your some figures on the shipping cost on thoses parts, I normally just don't have time, But ill try.

I would be happy with $100 for the Struts.

Also those looking for pictures of the Engine, Message me with your email address and ill email them too you.


In Topic: FS EVO 6 Custom Intake Manifold, EVO 3 Motor (needs rebuild)

27 April 2008 - 10:29 AM

got any pics of the evo engine?

I will be taking some pics tonight of the motor to post up, The heads been taken off so you can see the Damage done to it, Just detonated the Piston, Needs new Valves and head needs a little bit of work.

In Topic: evo 1 motor

08 April 2008 - 10:34 PM

I have a EVO 3 motor sitting at home i need to sell, Needs rebuild however.

can i have more info on it please.

One of the cylinders Detonated killing the cylinder and top of the head, Apart for that does appear to be fine, However engine does need rebuild.

In Topic: so who's in perth

08 April 2008 - 11:51 AM

hey ,

how long you had the E1? did you bring it in yourself?


Hey mate,

Brought the EVO off my best mate who sadly passed away October last yr. he had owned it for bout a yr prior to that. We got it off a guy who lives in Mandurah.

It�s a genuine EVO 1. Coming from a Subaru liberty RS it�s in a different league kills the subi in all aspects. I love the thing :D



No way, Blake is the guy who used to own it in Mandurah, good friends with him, I am presently selling my GSR after purchasing a EVO 6.

Blake took care of that car, the engine was only about 5000kms old when he sold it.

Sorry to here about your friend, i meet him about a month or 2 on a cruise after purchasing the car from Blake. Seemed like a nice guy.

In Topic: evo 1 motor

08 April 2008 - 11:48 AM

I have a EVO 3 motor sitting at home i need to sell, Needs rebuild however.