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Member Since 07 Apr 2006
Offline Last Active Jun 16 2008 08:38 AM

FS EVO 6 Custom Intake Manifold, EVO 3 Motor (needs rebuild)

25 April 2008 - 12:52 AM

As title says, I have a Custom Intake Manifold off my EVO 6 i no longer need, Comes with Matching Throttle Body. Should work on evo 4-9 however buyer would need to confirm $900

Posted Image

EVO 3 Motor, Detonated a Cylinder, Bore is fine, head needs a little bit of work. Is a complete Kit for GSR Conversion minus the Alternator. Post an Offer.

GSR Transfer Case $100
GSR Rear Diff $75
EVO 1 Front Struts $100

Price's doesn't include Shipping.


WTB: 4G63T EVO 3 Head

25 February 2008 - 08:29 AM

As the title says i am looking to buy the following head.

Thanks, Dr_Twist.

CV Joints

17 July 2007 - 10:47 AM

This seems a little strange, but here it goes.

I get a Noise that sounds exactly the same as CV Joints when braking at a certain pressure on the brake, if I brake hard nothing, if I brake soft nothing, but if I brake sort of average, the noise appears, and the noise is endless until the car stops or you lift off the brake. You can be going around a corner or a straight line for this to happen. There is no noise when I turn in either direction.

I am not exactly sure of the design of these cars, however we have narrowed the issue down to between the gearbox and the hub, We had the car on a hoist today and there is no lose bold, no rubbing marks nothing, So what I would like to know, is there a CV Joint on the Shaft that goes into the gearbox? if so is it attatched to the shaft and what would be needed to replace it?

Any help would be grateful.

Thanks, Dr_Twist

Parts and Part Numbers?

06 June 2007 - 12:45 PM

The Brake booster in my Car needs replacing at the same time i am Planning to put a seal kit in both frount Calipers. I own a GSR, however i have Twin Piston Frount Calipers. No idea if there VR4 or EVO 1-3 but they are ABS.

So i pulled up this thread:


What i would like to know is, Is the EVO 3 Brake Booster the same as the GSR brake Booster?

Power Brake Booster:
MR129408 Booster assy., brake

And the Calipers, i have, no idea if they are VR4 or EVO 1-3 would the Seals kit in the same Thread fit the same Calipers?

MB857840 Seal kit, Fr. brake caliper pistons

And if need be would any of the other parts on that list for the Caliper match what i have?

Front Wheel Brake:
MB950176 Caliper kit, Fr.brake, LH
MB950177 Caliper kit, Fr. brake, RH
MB857840 Seal kit, Fr. brake caliper pistons
MB151403 Bolt, Fr. brake caliper mount
MF450407 Washer, Fr. brake caliper mount
MB928049 Front brake pad set (MR389544)

I know there may be differant revision's so if there is, when taking it apart how would i know which revision would i have in the car, So would it be VR4, EVO 1-3 or something else?

Thanks, Dr_Twist.