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Member Since 26 Jan 2012
Offline Last Active Nov 27 2019 09:44 PM

Yellow sticker

31 August 2012 - 02:41 AM

The most hated words any modified car owner wants to hear I was defected cause I had no rear spoiler on my car with the emergency brake light on it unfortunately for me when I bought it had already been removed anybody know where I can find one I was thinking why can't I just get 1of those stick on ones and wire it in

old newbie

07 March 2012 - 07:21 AM

hey my name is steve iam from perth i have a 89 jspec vr4 and keen to meet up with like minded fans :lol:

completly lost

07 March 2012 - 07:14 AM

:D hi my name is steve and iam from perth was just looking for any help locating a good haltech tuner in perth had some dodgy work done on my 89 j spec and given a lot of bad advice that cost me more than i want to remember and bought things that i didnt need hence the haltech e8 anyway to cut a long story short a really good friend of mine rebuilt the engine for me and put in a few extras and now iam looking for someone to check the intial base tune to see if everything is running good befor i run it in any help would be much appriated :D