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Member Since 28 Jan 2012
Offline Last Active May 25 2018 10:23 AM

In Topic: HELP! early "small-bore piston" front twin pot calipers

25 May 2018 - 10:07 AM

so - 
airtreck single piston 28.3cm2
airtreck twin piston 28.7cm2

io single piston 25.5cm2
vr4 twin piston 27.7cm2

not great but 27.7cm2 is better than 28.7cm2 when you are valved for 25.5cm2

In Topic: HELP! early "small-bore piston" front twin pot calipers

24 May 2018 - 10:18 AM

can you have the existing master cylinder bores out and sleeved to create a large bore...thus displace more fluid.


This was a common practice with some early toyotas when fitting twin cam engines. The brake place that does it will need to be able to supply a larger piston and seals. It will mean you will need to run a restrictor/biase valve in the rear line tho.

it's a really weird stupid internal design - slacks creek said they've not seen anything like it before.
I'm going to try and get the front/rear volumes same ratio as the FTO / Evo / Outlander and see how it goes - would have been awesome if i'd known prior to fully refurbishing the front pair of RVR HSG EVO3 calipers i'm running :D

In Topic: HELP! early "small-bore piston" front twin pot calipers

24 May 2018 - 10:16 AM

You Might be in luck... I maye have a spare set out of my VR-4... 1993. Let me check

cool, let me know how you go