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Member Since 28 Jan 2012
Offline Last Active May 25 2018 10:23 AM

#306974 Throttle Position Sensor - 4g94

Posted by bob on 03 September 2014 - 10:56 AM

Hi Guys,

has anyone mounted their throttle position sensor upside down? 

it appears to be able to be spun around 180 and screwed on inverted, need to move it as the harness plug fouls on the strut tower brace.

If I do detach it, how hard is it to "re-tune" and is there anything special i need to do? can it be done without a diagnostic machine?



#298181 So when's the next meetup

Posted by bob on 10 April 2014 - 11:19 AM

I bury all my crap old engines and dead tyres (cough)

#297710 So when's the next meetup

Posted by bob on 02 April 2014 - 06:21 AM

what's this groups of 4? .. so you cannot go driving together in groups of 4 or more unless you are a registered vehicle club?
5 vehicles going on a family camping trip? 5 cars driven by old ladies on the way to an open garden? 

given that few of us will have each others mobile numbers I'd like to see them try and associate us together ;)

how would going for a drive at the speed limit in a group be affected by the rules below?

Type 1

  • Any of the following four offences committed in circumstances which involve a speed trial, a race between motor vehicles or a burn out:
  1. Dangerous operation of a motor vehicle
  2. Careless driving
  3. Organising, promoting or taking part in racing or speed trials
  4. Wilfully starting or driving a motor vehicle in a way that makes unnecessary noise or smoke
  • Evading police

Type 2

  • Driving a vehicle while it is uninsured and unregistered
  • Unlicensed driving
  • High-range drink driving - 0.15% and over
  • Exceeding the speed limit by more than 40km/h.
  • Driving an illegally modified vehicle not complying with prescribed sections of vehicle standards and safety
  • Failure to supply a specimen of breath or blood
  • Driving while under a 24 hour suspension

#293353 Eoi for RVR track race day at Queensland Parkway

Posted by bob on 28 January 2014 - 05:16 AM

I've got a 4g94 paj io SWB - keen to give it a blast (and guarantee an RVR won't be last!)