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Member Since 10 Apr 2006
Offline Last Active Nov 07 2023 09:54 AM

WTB: Right drivers side Evo1 seatbelt

08 September 2022 - 11:59 PM

As topic title:

I'm after a seatbelt that matches the evo 1.  Mine is frayed but still works as normal. If anyway has one that might fit please let me know.


Which sites/ forums have people "moved" to?

08 September 2022 - 11:54 PM

Hi, I really enjoyed this forum in years gone by  and it's still got a great archive of information which I find useful


Now that it's quite dormant and people have moved on, where do most of the early Evo enthusiasts discuss/ sell etc?


I've joined one of the facebook groups, VR4 early evo stuff, however it's nowhere near as organised as the posts on a forum like this meaning a lot of scrolling.  Maybe I just don't know how to use it either......  Anyway, if people could tell of other sites ofr forums where users are more active I'd be interested in having a look.  I've still got my "1" and plan on keeping it a little longer yet



