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Member Since 02 Feb 2012
Offline Last Active Jun 02 2012 11:02 AM

need help urgent

09 May 2012 - 07:23 AM

hey guys im in perth and need coil pack for my rvr not coil over plug cant find one any wear i have cash if any one has one or knows wear i can get one it would be a masive help


04 May 2012 - 05:21 PM

hey guys this is my rvr hyper sports gear r
3inch stainless system
coilover fronts lowered rear
hks pod
bov (gfb)
gfb boost controller
running small 16g
sloted front rotors

mods to come:
fully forged 4g63
custom plenum
pon cams and gears
custom stainless manifold
50mm external gate
big 16g with custom housings
brembo brake conversion
new front mount with custom stainless piping
and maybe for shits and giggles a 100 shot of NOS

Will post pics as there done :thumbsup:

Help needed

04 May 2012 - 07:06 AM

hey guys im searching for a passengers side complete drivesaft for my rvr hsg . its a manual . somewere in perth prefered or of places who may be able to supply it


03 February 2012 - 11:16 AM

Tonight at powis st car park
high performance cars only
time 9pm
departure 10pm