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Member Since 09 Feb 2012
Offline Last Active Jul 17 2014 02:32 AM

In Topic: Is CT9A front roll stopper same as CP9A, e.g. BLOX, Torques

20 May 2013 - 09:29 AM

I know of a few people using Blox and Torque solution mounts in CP so its confirmed they fit however they make the engine sit about 5mm higher due to the CT bracket offsetting the hole location 5mm higher.

In Topic: Evo 5 Rim clearance

20 May 2013 - 09:28 AM

"Gools VI" or hairy lemon runs 265+ tires on his evo 6. He has a build thread on various forums worth chasing but the guard work isnt simple... anything will work if youre ride height isnt too low lol...

Currently running 235/45/17 on 17x9+22, fronts fine and like others said the rears scrub like no tomorrow (stock height at rear and front is dropped)

In Topic: Evo 5/6 One piece headlights & water sprayers

20 May 2013 - 09:24 AM

^ I have one-piece and advise against trimming. De-rivet the 3 pop-rivets so you can revert if possible in future.
I use normal incandescent bulbs in the projector style headlights and it is still an improvement over OEM but HID is better.

Water sprays you can DIY adapt any mistifiers/windscreen washer nozzles to the end od the hoses. The OEM water spray isnt that good any way (too coarse). Perhaps try your local irigator/gardening shop.

In Topic: 6 Bolt crank, Brand new 280 BC CAMS, GSR Rear Diff with shafts.

21 March 2013 - 04:41 AM

3. Still got some BC stage 3 (280) cams. Brand new, never run.......................$380 + postage

These fit evo 6 head? sorry im a newb at valve-train stuff? Im in Sydney area so need postage.

In Topic: Brembo caliper paint freshen up

06 February 2013 - 01:34 AM

Paint stripper is not good on the dust seals as they are rubber. If you rebuild them its fine.

Decals I've used Meeks and ebay spec. Both work fine under heat even after track day.

Clear coat, at least 3M 650 degree high heat from a rattle can, caused brownbo effect on my calipers after a track day. There are many threads on evoM and lancer register telling people to leave out the clear coat.

Dupicolour red caliper paint turns out pretty close to the factory brembos but maybe slightly brighter/redder