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Member Since 22 Apr 2005
Offline Last Active May 12 2020 02:29 AM

GSR and Evo parts

08 October 2019 - 10:44 PM

Hey all,
a friend is cleaning out his gsr/evo parts.

Gsr parts:
2 x GSR gearboxes - NRBE $800 each
Transfer case - $300
Starter motor - $75
Front driveshafts - $100 each side
2 x 2 piece tailshaft - $200 each
Gsr radiator with fan and shroud- $50

Evo 3 steering rack - $ 150

Evo 7-8 window rain guards - genuine Mitsubishi brand new - $60

If anyone would like to know anything else just hit me up in a PM.

Cheers Adrian