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Member Since 12 Feb 2012
Offline Last Active Aug 13 2014 03:22 PM

In Topic: Low compression reading on all cylinders

13 August 2014 - 03:22 PM

lol funny to find this thread why googling

Ok well my engine was running great, 94octane tuned 780pte injectors, walboro 255lph, ecmlink, dual stage selectable greddy boost control set to 18 and 23psi, screamer elbow, had all wideband o2 egt, oil pres/temp, water temp etc, new throttlebody fiac valve, 18g wheel on evo 3 big, engine had 35000km on it

Never had problems starting it, took it out because the guy who sold me the car wanted engine back for a good price theb choked, been sitting in my garage for 4-5 months, never took oil

Engine i didnt build came with the car has

Rebuilt head all oem with 3 angle valve grind

Arp head, crank, rod studs, cosmic head gasket, overbore cylinder 0.20 i believe, acl race bearings, balancer shaft removal kit

Now 70psi on all 4 cylinders is weird but engine was running good no idle problem so i have no idea... Imma run the engine this weekend and redo the compression test