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Member Since 12 Feb 2012
Offline Last Active Mar 04 2012 03:27 PM

Hi from the UK

12 February 2012 - 11:41 PM

Hi there,

My names Matt and I own a 2001 Proton Persona Coupe Evolution with a 1.8 4G93 16v engine, I've bought a 4G92 1.6 16v Mivec engine and I'm planning on carrying out a hybrid conversion using the Mivec cylinder head. I have a friend who has done this and has gained very impressive results.

My plans are to build a fairly solid bottom end *forged internals* and add a set of 50mm ITB's I have acquired for the project.

Basically I'm on here for tips and useful knowledge on what internals people think I should go for. I would also love to go turbocharged in the distant future so whatever I buy I'm hoping for the utmost compatibly.

So this is a short list of what info I would like your opinions on...

What Forged rods to go for?
What Pistons aka the best compression ratio for high rpm ITB Turbo application?
What aftermarket management do people recommend?

Upgraded bearings and studs throughout are on the cards. I'm thinking full ARP but what application is compatible? Evo 4G63T?

I really hope to find the information I'm looking for :)

Thanks in advance.
