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Member Since 19 Feb 2012
Offline Last Active Jun 09 2012 08:55 AM


05 March 2012 - 09:55 AM

hey so i have bought in the last 4-5 weeks bought a 1994 cc lancer, that has full 4g63t out of galant and 4wd conversion. my cousin bought the car bout 7 years ago from newcastle, it has harlequin paintjob and bit of engine work, possibly forged.. not sure. if anyone recognises the car from original owner in newcastle let me know would like to find out a few things.. so have liked the car since my cousin bought it plus he had a green gsr which was heaps fun.. the car has been through couple sets of hands since him and mistreated, i have already been having troubles mainly driveline stuff, but slowly going to get it back to best condition.

transfer case rebuild. evo 3 4g63t parts sources??

19 February 2012 - 10:33 AM

so i have a 94 cc lancer, mocked up evo 3. has a 4g63t out of a galant. i am after any reliable sources for parts for engine and running gear?? in particular at the moment i am in need of top passenger side engine mount.. and a new transfer case or somewhere in aus that will rebuild it?? any help would be great