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Member Since 14 Apr 2006
Offline Last Active Feb 23 2009 08:46 PM

In Topic: Rebuilding a turbo.

16 June 2007 - 12:00 AM

Interesting question Mark,I was under the impression that the Evo 3 housing doesn't have as much meat in it as the other 070 housing.

Yes when they revised the turbine housing for the EVO3 they made it a much lighter thin wall casting.
There is hardly any extra material. TD06H is a huge wheel and requires approx 60mm bore there is no way you can bore it that size.
Maybe you can machine in the wheel and have a smaller than optimum bore outlet size?
EVO1 and EVO2 turbine housing is MUCH thicker and you can do more with them.

In Topic: Rebuilding a turbo.

14 June 2007 - 11:01 PM

So it will be bored 60mm right through?

im saying it has been done many times over and over.. thats all.. ill post a pic once i take it but yes its been done before..

Well I'm saying has it been bored 60mm right through? Simple question.

In Topic: Rebuilding a turbo.

14 June 2007 - 10:45 PM

No way a TD06H turbine will fit in a EVO3 070 housing not enough material.

i beg to differ ;) seen it done many of times!
i guess again it comes down to what sort of technique is used and who is doing but this has been done many many many times before.

if you want proof i can actually post up a picture of some machining work and this sort of wheel in an 070

Yes post a picture please, remember I said an EVO3 070 housing :wink:

yerp genuine MHI EVO 1/2/3 070 rear housing.. STOCK machined out..
ill see if he will let me take a pic.. hehehehe

if the guy who machines your housings out cant do it.. then obviously theres a trick to getting it to work hey...


So it will be bored 60mm right through?

In Topic: Rebuilding a turbo.

14 June 2007 - 10:38 PM


what is the price of a tdo6 compressor housing?

TD06-20G 3" inlet cover is $188.00, it's the one we use on the GTP6208 see the picture on the turbo page of our web site.
This will fit directly on a VR4/EVO1-3 turbo but you need a 20G wheel as well of course otherwise you are not going to make much boost :)

In Topic: Rebuilding a turbo.

14 June 2007 - 10:31 PM

No way a TD06H turbine will fit in a EVO3 070 housing not enough material.

i beg to differ ;) seen it done many of times!
i guess again it comes down to what sort of technique is used and who is doing but this has been done many many many times before.

if you want proof i can actually post up a picture of some machining work and this sort of wheel in an 070

Yes post a picture please, remember I said an EVO3 070 housing :wink: