Hi guys
Unfortunately my car was binned on the weekend and now im left to try and sell whats left of it. The car has or was ! just converted to 4G63T so i also have the 4G93T (165xxxkms) motor which i want to get rid of.
The motor in the car (4G63T) has about 100,000kms on it also has a new direct clutch and flywheel timing belt was also done. The gearbox smashed the centre diff right before the conversion so that has been replaced as well. Everything motor wise is standard, turbo is the TD04 as the motor was RVR.
The car has a few other nicknacks like leather interior, autometer gauges, kick ass sound system, exhaust still good, evo injectors and a walbro 400l/hr fuel pump.
I dont want to part the car at this stage because its to much work when i work away i dont have the time.
I havent put a price on it yet cos im not really sure on a realistic price cos i just spent a fair whack of money getting the new motor and all the bits to do the conversion hence the EOI.
The car would suit a adelaidian ! looking to do a 2ltr conversion.
I am open to offers if you are interested call me or txt me on 04two2 three9five nine15
I can send other photos if you want to see more
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Member Since 21 Mar 2012Offline Last Active Dec 13 2013 06:30 PM