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Member Since 23 Mar 2012
Offline Last Active Dec 04 2023 07:54 AM

In Topic: Home made shroud

04 July 2018 - 11:00 PM

That looks mint! Nice one!

In Topic: Selling up

01 July 2018 - 07:18 AM

Well, i have been in Tibet meditating for the past (insert WTF time works for you) and have decided to keep the un-registered POS rotting in the yard for (insert WTF time works for you).

Point is, I've resigned myself to the fact that nobody appreciates my craftsmanship, so now I have a point to prove. Stay tuned for mediocrity  :P  :P  :P  :P

In Topic: Rvr Brembo conversion

01 July 2018 - 07:06 AM

Would think the e 1-3 were the same as Rvr?

They are! 276mm, but without the banjo fitting in favour of a straight bolt up style.

If you want to get a 324mm rotor setup, hit me up, I am running a R34 GTR V-Spec rotor up front with a dogbone fitting a std R34 calliper. Happy to photo/measure/describe vie interpretive dance, the details if you want the specs. 

In Topic: Trucked RVR?

01 July 2018 - 06:57 AM

Hmmmm, ok. Most utes have a ladder chassis to facilitate the need to carry weight, I think the RVRs look weird enough to fool people into a false sense of security already without the need to increase weight in order to meet DOT requirements.

If you want to get freaky without the need for large vegetables and fishnets outside of the bedroom (not judging, but happy to join in if the safe word is 'bacon')  I'd point you in the direction of a ladder chassis. Anything you can fit on it is fine as long as OEM GVM and braking specs are maintained, at least in QLD that is...........but we tend to bang our first cousins rather that our second cousins, so read into that what you want. 

Hi Admins! I'm still a weirdo, feel free to delete and/or spank me.

As an aside, there was an Open Gear model that would be the best base to start from if you wanted to turn something that looks like crap into actual crap. My 2c

In Topic: Benzo's sellout sale

31 October 2017 - 11:13 AM

And.... the offers will come now.


Without doubt LOL