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Member Since 28 Mar 2012
Offline Last Active Dec 03 2012 10:01 AM

4G63 Cylinder Head

19 November 2012 - 05:39 AM

Hello all, I have a question for y'all, would a EVO 6 cylinder head bolt up to a 4G63 engine block from a Mitsubishi Galant GSR? I am looking for a new head for my car and I am wondering how this would go? It's a non tubro'd engine so would that make any difference?

Sorry for the dumb question, I am just curious..

WTB: 4g63 Spark plug cover

27 July 2012 - 12:42 AM

As the topic says, I am after a spark plug cover for my 4g63 rocker cover, doesn't have to be in perfect condition or anything, would prefer a decent condition as I am rebuilding the engine.

A cover from a VR4 would be good,

Something like this would be exactly what I am after.

I found this on eBay for like $70 from USA but I was hoping I could find one cheaper here.


Galant GSR suspension

02 June 2012 - 01:42 AM

Hello again lads!

I have recently bought a 4g63t for my 1989 Galant GSR (bargain price too) but I was speaking with some friends and they say that because the car is a FWD and the engine is meant for an AWD I will need some godly suspension to compensate for the power of the engine or something...

I have the stock GSR shocks and springs right now and people of suggested coil overs (I like the sound of it) but I'd just like to know what you guys suggest? Like brands and prices and such.

I don't really know much about suspension but I am keen to learn! :)


29 May 2012 - 10:36 PM

Hey guys, I have a quistion for you!

I have found a 4g63t engine that comes with the ECU and the wiring loom, it has fairly low Km's on it and it's local! (that's rare in tassie)

Now I own a Galant GSR and I know that a 4g63t will bolt in fairly easy but I am a bit confused when it comes to gearboxes, obviously I can't just throws a VR-4 gearbox in because it's AWD and my is FWD, so is there a way I can get it to bolt up to the GSR gearbox or any other Mitsubishi gearbox?


Galant GSR Interior

08 May 2012 - 06:47 AM

Hey all, I am in the process of getting a new dashboard for my GSR Galant, I have never seen a dash been removed before so I was wondering if it's quite hard to get it off? (Sorry for the newbie question, I can't find anything online so I was hoping one of you Galant veterans would be able to help me please :) )