Hi guys pretty new to mitsubishis, however I got a very annoying problem, I have a 94 gsr cc with a 4g93t in it, it's been idling quite rough an uneven only fluctuating a couple of hundred rpm, from between 800 and 1k sounds kinda like a miss, it's got new plugs and leads and I've put a whole new throttle body on it and nothing has changed, the vac gauge is sitting on neg 16 and it drives ok the miss is only a little noticeable at higher rpm, and seems the power is at a loss a bit, the stepper motor seems fine as when I put the ac on it jumps up accordingly, it happened by itself , also sounds like a hard start like a low battery but that's new too. Any ideas????
Thanks chris
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Member Since 10 Apr 2012Offline Last Active Dec 29 2012 11:03 AM