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Member Since 10 Apr 2012
Offline Last Active Aug 15 2014 08:35 AM

In Topic: Evo 5 Rim clearance

22 February 2013 - 10:02 AM

Join Evo Oz. You will get more information than here.

Are you sure your currents rims aren't 17X7.5 and your running a 235 tyre?

Did you talk to me at lakeside awhile ago about putting your VR4 engine into a EVO?

If it is a race car only you can cut out the inner guard at the door on the rear and get a 255 on it I think. The Hairy Lemon car is a 295 I think.

Thanks will check out that site for future info. Yes correct they are 17 x 7.5 with a 235 tyre. Yip that was me but have now sold that engine and focusing on this car. Thanks for the reply

In Topic: Time attack

22 February 2013 - 12:42 AM

I raced my old Aus Spec VR4 around Lakeside last year for Time Attack. Twin pot brakes and upgraded brake pads worked just fine with no brake fade

In Topic: FOUND: VR4 Flywheel - stock or aftermarket

30 October 2012 - 04:19 AM

PM sent


29 October 2012 - 01:25 AM

PM Sent

In Topic: Anybody in NZ (wanting to buy from Trademe)

24 September 2012 - 09:47 PM

It was a financial disaster to say the least. Bars cost me $400AUD and payed the guy $367AUD shipping to my work in Brisbane. He used Evans International and said thats all I had to pay. I received a phone call from Evans International when they arrived at the wharf. They sent me an invoice for $252 AUD for Brisbane Port charges. I then was told I couldn't do Customs clearance myself as they were used car parts and needed quarantine and a customs officer to give clearance before being released to me. I confirmed this with Customs myself. ACP invoiced me $1060AUD inc GST for the bars to be cleared and released me me. They then wanted to charge me $220 delivery to my work. I politely declined and picked up myself