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Member Since 15 Apr 2012
Offline Last Active May 26 2012 06:19 AM

In Topic: 92 GSR - "The Wevo"

19 May 2012 - 07:51 AM

and the lower bash plate / flywheel cover...not sure what its actually called...the bit that seals off the bellhousing area from muck and road grime and water behind the transfer case

In Topic: 92 GSR - "The Wevo"

18 May 2012 - 07:28 PM

the main one im really looking for at the moment is a gsr speedometer drive assembly. mines been ripped out of the back of the dash so i have a nice cable to nowhere connected to the gearbox lol

In Topic: 92 GSR - "The Wevo"

18 May 2012 - 10:41 AM

Thanks for the offers re: trade pricing and VINs. I may take you up on that when it comes time to look at the roof, but im a long way off from that yet.

Got the crossmember fitted up today, as well as alot of little jobs. Picked up my CV, was 90 all up for a repack and reboot. happy enough with that. also fitted my clear cam cover, finished the intercooler piping and fitted the transfer case:

current list to complete before first run:

fit CVs and tailshaft
fit exhaust
fit wiring loom
bleed clutch
fill everything with fluids
fit gasket to oil return
replace hose clamps on a few water fittings
repair speedo drive
find and fit correct bolts for engine mounts and rear crossmember bolts
find lower bash plate and fit
Purchase and install new battery

realistically there is a bout a weekend or so's work left in it, but finding one is proving difficult. soon enough though! haha

In Topic: 92 GSR - "The Wevo"

17 May 2012 - 09:45 AM

ahh thanks heaps for that. i may not be able to score trade prices, but the part numbers will help infinitely. cant even talk to mitsubishi because they are adamant my car is a red 1.5L auto GL...

In Topic: 92 GSR - "The Wevo"

17 May 2012 - 08:52 AM

decided to keep going with it, as per advice here and other forums i post on...at the end of the day its just a lancer shell, if it gets that to that point i can always cannibalise a GL or a blown up wira to replace the rail sections.

Drivers side CV appears to be completely rooted. reassembled it and it clicks like hell, as well as the boot being completely destroyed. So i have dropped it in to Townsville CV shafts for a quote, should hear about that tommorow.