Hey guys,
Got a 1997 RVR SSG (I think) with an NA 4g63 and 4spd auto box. What I'm aiming to do is a factory turbo conversion to it and run it on wastegate pressure or fixed at 0.8 bar, haven't decided yet.
Anyway, I just wanted to confirm if I have all the right bits to make it work and if I'm missing something I'd love to know about it. What I have so far:
Turbo oil sump
510cc yellowtop injectors (was gonna run a td05)
ECU MD312467
TD04HL 15T
Front mount intercooler + factory piping
Exhaust manifold
Dump pipe + sensor
Turbo spark plugs
New ignition leads
I've heard there's some difference in regards to the blocks, with hard piping for oil or something on the turbo engines. is that just for oil squirters or something? I've also resealed the rocker cover/spark plugs and installed an alloy rad in prep for the conversion, with plans to add an oil cooler/additional trans cooler and heat wrap to certain sections. Also may install braided turbo lines in the future but I just want it running and moving under its own power first and troubleshoot it with stock parts for less headaches.
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Member Since 30 Apr 2012Offline Last Active Mar 29 2019 10:17 AM