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Member Since 25 Apr 2005
Offline Last Active Jul 08 2006 09:42 AM

[Melb] 2.0L Cordia Turbo For Sale - $3500ono [SOLD]

08 May 2006 - 05:56 AM

Regretful Sale :( But I need teh cesh.

-Please copy and paste link:

Call Rob: 0413550794

Cordia Power Go Karting Event - Sat 20th August!

16 August 2005 - 02:29 AM

Details so far
Date : 20th of August
Where : Silhouette Go Karts
Time : 2pm the session is booked for
Cost : $65 pp

Right the price includes 3 x 10 min sessions and prizes to win, plus free bbq or food not sure yet, <---Need to have min of 8 ppl.
Meet @ 110 Hume Hwy,Somerton (the go karting place) just after 1:30pm as we are booked for 2pm

Fastest go karts in Melbourne, and its an outdoor track.

WTD: VR4 Brake Master Cylinder

10 August 2005 - 11:07 AM

Just wanted a second opinion on this as I've heard two different things. Getting a larger bore master cylinder will increase stopping power? Is that how it works? As my brakes on my Cordz are fairly spongy I'm looking at a few options to get them up to scratch. I will get them checked out properly and do what is necessary but I'll also look at upgrading a few things without spending too much as I wont be keeping the car for too much longer.

Braided Brake Lines

09 August 2005 - 11:39 PM

Looking at getting a set of braided hoses for the front brakes, any suggestions as to where I can get these done cheaply in Melbourne?

WTB: Turbo Coolant Outlet Pipe

18 July 2005 - 11:13 PM

After one to suit TC06 turbo (TC05/TD05 should be the same)
Excellent condition, no rust please.

Im in Melbourme so happy to pick up if local or COD, Money Order, Post etc.

please reply here or PM me.

