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Member Since 03 May 2006
Offline Last Active Apr 09 2009 11:01 PM

In Topic: Stainless to mild

04 April 2009 - 10:59 PM

Been on you tube i like the sound of these two


I like the second 1

In Topic: Stainless to mild

04 April 2009 - 10:44 PM

Okay boys, now that I have the cyclone manifold sorted out its time for an exhaust system. I have been reading this thread and have some ideas of what i want. I want a nice note on idle that wont atract too much attention. but i want it to bark but not drone on cruise.

please someone explain to me what a "screamer pipe" is (photos would be great).

I am thinking of 3 inch mandrel bent hi flow cat and a muffler at the rear.
I need some ideas of what I should do with the dump pipe. I am running the standard turbo from the 4g63t vr4 evo 0 engine yellow injectors tdo5 (I think).

I will puchase all of the the exhaust components my self and weld it all up my self.

All ideas and pointers would be apreciated all photos and vids of others would be a great starter. thanks guys

In Topic: Getting the Cyclone Manifold to work correctly

04 April 2009 - 10:28 PM

I have worked it all out boys and it works.

i just have to drive it to see what the difference is will let you know soon

thanks for all of your help and tips boys

In Topic: duel runner manifold

21 March 2009 - 11:23 PM

I was thinking about it my self and I think I might have worked it out..

The top "T" terminal from the solenoid goes to pin #53 from the ECU.
The other terminal from the solenoid goes to a power pick up from the MPI relay.

The ECU terminal #53 will ground after 4500 rpm.

So basicaly I can put that other terminal to any power supply beause the ECU give the ground.. Does this sound OK, or do have have to have the correct power out put.

In Topic: Getting the Cyclone Manifold to work correctly

20 March 2009 - 11:14 AM

Hey guys just trying to work out the solenoid pins for the cyclone actuator

the top "T" pin goes to ECU pin out #53

the other "I" pin goes to the MPI relay

does any one know what terminal on the MPI relay I plug into