Hey - some of you may know me some may not... either way hello.
quick background on me I have been modifying Lancers for over 12 years now and have never looked back ( well maybe once) I have owned a CE Lancer coupe which had almost everything possibly done to it and was a joy to own and race - managed a healthy 137hpatw
I currently own a CH mivec lancer with a 2.4lt engine in it which I currently race that has full suspenssion bigger throttle body extractors and a few other small things done.. that has 144hpatw.
My toy is a car I am building it is going to have the best of both the above cars - I have a CE lancer coupe (light chassis) and a 4G69 2.4lt engine installed which is not quite finished yet just 2 - 3 days worth of work and it will be time to start it up... just hunting down a few important parts such as brakes from a evo 3... and me finishing up the power wire loom, adjust the tappets, re- shave the engine mount bracket. fit a small radiator. and it should be good to go.
so just thought I would share a few things wit you all and say hello
regards christine
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Member Since 17 Jun 2012Offline Last Active Jul 02 2016 01:21 AM