Hey all,
Mate got these for me whilst he was in japan, got other things to sort first, so there up for sale, never been out of the plastic Brand NEW
$5500.00, might sound high to a few but this shit aint cheap, you get what you pay for, yea....
Not interested in seperating at the moment, depending on interest..
Willing to ship, or pick up in the ryde area.
Front lsd can be changed beween 1 and 1.5 way lsd. can be used with gvr4 too. Cusco MZ LSD
Tarmac torque split 65 rear / 35 front, awesome piece of gear, can be used with gvr4 too.
Rear 1.5 Cusco MZ 1.5 lsd.. just awesome... Grip central right here.
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Member Since 25 Apr 2005Offline Last Active May 17 2014 01:02 AM