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Member Since 02 Jul 2012
Offline Last Active Feb 11 2013 04:44 AM

In Topic: Another Shifter Bush thread

23 November 2012 - 07:57 AM

Oh yeah and for $1.00 more get a new little plastic shifter cup too... I did for the hell of it and turns out mine was shagged too. It's basically the wear part for the bottom of the shifter bar itself where it actuates the shifter assy :)

In Topic: Another Shifter Bush thread

23 November 2012 - 07:49 AM


I just did all of mine in the shifter box inside the car, 6 bushes in total. Took about 20 minutes (would have been quicker but I was lazy and left centre console in place still).

After alot of searching the net I got onto JNZTuning.com and they have all you need. There are 2 x bushes i found on there for the 1G DSM/GVR4:
OEM Shifter Bushing-90 DSM (MB580253) = $7.99 each
OEM Shifter Bushing-91-94 DSM (MB367320) = $1.19 each
$40 freight to Perth though...

I didnt know which ones were for what part of the shifter so I bought more than I needed and so it turns out they are the same OD & ID of the bush part but it is the shoulder area that is a little different sized and one is a softer rubber while the other is more of a plastic material (either way they all fit in each position in the shifter).

If I need to do them again then I would just be buying 6 of the cheap ones...

Hope that might help...


In Topic: No spark please help

10 November 2012 - 01:18 PM

^Thumbs up for Brian/BMGTZ... he solved the issue with mine. Turns out for mu 1988 J-Spec it was the ignitor plug that mounts on the back of the intake manifold... even though I had contact cleaned them all only 2 months ago... while the motor was out for rebuild the connection got all wet and corroded green. Sandpaper up and some cleaner and it fired straight up.
Good luck!
I've now got 211km on my new motor today & loving it so far :)

In Topic: Idle Adjustment Problem?

26 October 2012 - 12:13 AM

Cheers I'll have a crack over the weekend, just got a multimeter yesterday too so I can check ISC and TPS settings etc too...

Thanks :)

In Topic: Idle Adjustment Problem?

25 October 2012 - 03:04 AM

After doing a bit more thinking and reaserch I dont think it can be the FIAV... as with the engine warm, plugs grounded, BISS adjusted you can get a great idle (even if the FIAV is leaking I can still adjust to get a great idle).

As it is when the earth alligator clips are taken off that the ECU steps back in to control the ISC... thats when it jumps up from ~750rpm to ~1000rpm... so yeah... more pointing to ISC or ECU