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Member Since 02 Jul 2012
Offline Last Active Feb 11 2013 04:44 AM

Idle Adjustment Problem?

24 October 2012 - 11:36 PM


So I tried adjusting the idle yesterday as per the instructions from VFAQ... grounded the timing plug on the firewall and also the correct pin in the plug by the fusebox once the motor was fully warmed up and all electrics turned off etc.

I then adjusted the BISS screw to as close to 750 as possible which worked fine and then took off alligator clips and the idle just went straight back up to 1000rpm again (even after a 5 minute run).

Pre-Adjustment Idle = 1000rpm
After-Adjustment Idle = 1000rpm

Now the ECU has a modded chip in it... does/can whoever modded the chip, change the idle parameters so the computer itself is trying to chase 1000rpm at all times? (I'm not too clued up on ECU operation)

I mean I understand what the BISS screw is doing with all plugs earthed but then what/why is the ISC going back up to 1000rpm... is the ECU telling it to do so?


New Clutch Issues

14 October 2012 - 12:22 PM


So new motor, clutch etc all finally went in today after months of full rebuild and it seems I have clutch dramas... with a new clutch.

I just did heaps of searching the forum and this stepped-machining of the clutch is where I think I have been screwed...

What happens is after all being bled up it still releases ok as there is slack by the slave pin if I push it backwards but then it wont fully disengage the clutch. Even the pedal only goes down about 3/4 of the way and then stops as if something is bottoming out. Clutch is an exedy sports organic MBK-6429SO... nothing out of the ordinary. I have played with all pedal adjustment and the rod that actuates the clutch master is (and has to be) adjusted so it is pushing the master as far as possible and things still dont work as they should.

I fully cant remember as I never took notice of this step machining (even though I fitted flywheen today:))... only a light skim was taken off and I am pretty sure it wasnt step machined... but could this still be enough to screw the clutch operation?

Do I have any other options on getting around this or is it going to be gearbox out and flywheel off again? I hope not because I've been working BULK on this car lately...

Does anyone think it could be anything else the cause?


Re-install motor with all belts and ancillaries on?

27 September 2012 - 06:58 AM

G'day All,

As I pulled my motor out without the head or belts & pulleys fitted I'm not sure if you can put it back in with them on or not?

I have a load leveller so I can get good angle on the motor and gearbox.

So can anyone tell me if it is doable... reinstalling the motor/box with all front pulleys/timing cover & belts on??

Of does it just become a sh*tfight?


Motor Swap?

08 August 2012 - 01:40 PM

Hey guys,

I know your all going to call me lazy but I'm just putting this out there ok... I've simply got way too many projects on the go (cars, RC cars, push bikes, motor bikes, boats... + a bloody house now too) so...

My VR4 needs a new motor, I've got a fully rebuilt short motor to go in, just need to take the head off the motor in the car now and put onto the new one which is waiting to go in. The head is fresh built too only 8 weeks ago.

I'm really just seeing if anyone on here that is familiar with E39A's might be either between jobs, keen for some extra cash etc and would be interested in getting paid to do some or all of the job as I really just dont have time right now.

The car's at my place in Riverton, got good access, on stands, wheels off, ready to roll, engine crane etc. I can get part way there if required like get the head onto the new motor and timing belts/cover all set and then it is just a matter of motor/box out... swap motor, starter etc and then put it all back in.

If anyone is keen to talk more then please message me ok...

Otherwise I'll just have to slowly chip away.

Cheers :)

My new VR4 does anyone know info of it??

14 July 2012 - 10:04 AM


I just bought this VR4 in Perth a few weeks ago and I'm trying to find a little history on it? (the previous owner only had it for about 1 year and most of that time it was off the road and he didnt know much about it).

Motor is buggered so I am going for a rebuild/new motor.

The car had a few mods and I just wanted to see if anyone might know a little about it?

- Aftermarket AFM
- ECU is socketed and has a chip in there with a sticker "BART 055" on it (maybe someone knows him/what he does). Before I buy an ECMlink maybe I dont need to?

It would just be nice to know if anyone knows much about it? Or have I bought a lemon VR4 you all know about? :) hopefully not.

Any info would be great... and when she's up and running I'll get out to a meet up day.
