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Member Since 02 Jul 2012
Offline Last Active Jul 29 2013 02:41 PM

1993 Red mitsubishi lancer gsr for sale

26 April 2013 - 03:26 AM

Time has come to sell my gsr,it isnt perfect and i have too many other toys to
spend money on that are more important.

Located in victoria melbourne.

It has 227,000 kms on it.

Good points
-Standard apart from a big front mount intercooler.
-td05, dont know what spec,its abit laggy i know that lol.
-running on a crazy 7psi
- original service books
- no rust as far as i can tell
-Clean interior
-bigger new model magna brakes all round. Stops great.
-rwc tires
-Decent stereo system
- 2 1/4 exhaust system
-turbosmart bov
-full electrics with electric mirrors.

Bad- Not running right ,sometimes its boosts right,other times it doesnt.
but it doesnt make it undrivable,I drive it daily.
Its either the tps or airflow meter in my opinion. I changed the plugs and no luck.
-Lifters are noisy and are on the way but i have bought new ones and ready
to install if your mechanically minded. (im not lol)
-missing front lip.
-leaks oil,dont know from where but what car doesnt these days.
- reg expires in under a month.

Im being as HONEST as i can so you know what youre coming to see.
Im selling it cheap because im not fussed, my mechanic said he will buy it end of next week
and i thought i might as well throw it on here to sell someone a cheap gsr.
Obviously im selling it to him cheaper than what i am on here because he is a friend,
selling at a loss.

$Price 3,200 and il throw in the brand new lifters for you to install.
Pics to come.

My number is 0402 758 660.

Difference between jdm and aus spec gsr

23 April 2013 - 05:30 AM

Tried to search for it in the search bar and no luck.
So what are the differences?
I think i MIGHT have a jdm model.
Anyhow,inform me with your wisdom people.

Freeway rpm

26 October 2012 - 05:42 AM

Silly question here, whats a standard lancer cc gsr turbo in 5th meant to sit at 100 kmh an hour,
as in what rpm?

My bike and dodge dart :)

02 October 2012 - 06:51 AM

Anyone else ride?

If so contribute here and show us your 2 wheel machine.

Yes i have a gsr but its shit compared to this and my mopars lol.
Its sad that my bike makes more power than my gsr at the wheels but hopefully that will change.

Anyhow this is my 73 dodge dart and 07 hayabusa.

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Dumbest question ever.

23 August 2012 - 01:48 PM

Ok ,for the battery..
Facing head on with the car,is the left terminal negative and the right positive?

Took the battery out an put it back in an got abit of a spark show going on.
Answer asap please.
Feel free to abuse as well.