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Member Since 15 Jul 2012
Offline Last Active Apr 11 2022 10:45 AM

In Topic: Weird Tacho problem

15 May 2017 - 01:51 AM

But no boost light?

Nah, cluster doesnt have one. Thats why Ive always been slightly dubious about the km.

In Topic: Weird Tacho problem

12 May 2017 - 06:55 AM

The entire cluster assembly you mean? Interesting that it only started doing it after the engine swap though. I'll see if I can find a cluster/tach assy :)

Note, if anyone has a mivec 1.6 10krpm Tacho let me know :D

In Topic: Electrical gremlins

25 February 2017 - 10:32 AM

Well, mine started on first key turn today, which made me very happy :D
Need to set the base timing and sort out the BISS screw (won't idle at the moment). Then stick the skirts and bumper back on, tighten the belts, and she's pretty much done!

In Topic: Electrical gremlins

25 February 2017 - 02:32 AM

did you swap the engine loom over to evo 3 as well. The fuse box covers do not match up exactly. i think the 15A fuse was for foglights iirc. Whereas the lancer has two 10A fuses for the tail lights.

In Topic: Electrical gremlins

24 February 2017 - 03:32 PM

Problemo solved!

Turns out one of the plugs for the passenger door harness is the same as one of the plugs that joins the ABS harness to the dash harness. And theyre pretty much right next to each other, and share a bunch of similar colours. And are both wrapped in foam.


So yeah, don't plug those in backwards. Or youll come to a quick stop when you go to wind your windows down..