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Member Since 15 Jul 2012
Offline Last Active Apr 11 2022 10:45 AM

Weird Tacho problem

11 May 2017 - 09:27 AM

So, since I finished my 4G63T swap, my tacho hasnt worked properly. It's fine when free revving or cruising. But as soon as you put the engine under load (eg boost..) the tacho drops to zero and stays there until you return to the previous state.

It also doesnt like to work below 1000rpm. I tried switching the ignitor and coils. 



Electrical gremlins

09 February 2017 - 06:29 AM

Hey guys

So I've done my Evo 3 loom swap (engine and interior), the only GSR part left is the harness that goes from the fusebox, over the cluster, and down to the ciggy lighter/ashtray (didn't come with my harness). Also don't have the key illumination ring yet.

Everything seems to be working correctly, climate control appears fine, dash too. However for some reason, I've lost my dome light's auto functuonality.. Works fine when in on/off position, just doesn't turn on when you open a door.
The open door dash light also doesn't work.
However, the buzzer works fine when you open/close the doors.
Oh, and the buzzer doesn't work if you leave the headlights on with the key off like it used to with the GSR buzzer (not sure if the Evo had this function or not)


Evo AC/Ignition bits

05 February 2017 - 07:32 AM

Hey guys,


Trying to track down the last few bits I need for my engine. Was going to sort the AC out later but it looks like it'll be a lot less of a headache to bolt it all up before it goes into the car and I have no room..

So I'm looking for the 7 bolt block AC X-Bracket (compressor mounting bracket), and the tensioner bracket that attaches to it.


Also chasing an Evo coilpack bracket/ignitor. Not too fussed if the coils are fubar, i have some spares from my GSR I can always use, the bracket and ignitor are the main parts im after.

Would need to be posted to Balcatta, 6021, Perth


Have attached a photo of AC parts im talking about  :)

Evo III Loom Routing

11 January 2017 - 01:51 PM

Hi guys,

So I stripped my GSR engine bay and interior back to the steel shell and gave the bay a fresh coat of paint. I also picked up an Evo III Loom and A/C equipment for a climate control swap. I've replaced the corrugated tubing and retaped the loom (bit by bit so I kept all the original spacings for where plugs come out of the loom.


However I'm now realising that transferring the loom back into the car isn't going to be perfectly straightforward. Does anyone have some photos of their looms routing on the firewall? I'm mainly trying to figure out exactly where all the harness holders go and that sort of stuff. So far I've come out of the firewall and the two plugs for the FPR solenoid/SAS Solenoid are already too far away from the actual solenoids, so I've already mucked up something there..


Help identifying a Galant

09 August 2016 - 02:17 PM

So, one of my mates picked up a 1989 Galant GSR Hatchback a while ago and we're going to start fixing it up/replacing bits and pieces. But I can't find out what it's called in ASA for the life of me. Does anyone have the Model codes for it?

Eg, like how an Evo III GSR is a "CE9A SNGF"

think it's "E33A" but I can't find a code that shows the hatchback in the diagrams, so I dont think it's any of those secondary codes (the "SNGF" bit)

Anyone know?