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Member Since 02 Aug 2012
Offline Last Active Apr 15 2016 02:33 AM

#328473 RVR Hypergear turbo engine and gearbox in a Nimbus for sale!

Posted by dokworm on 16 March 2016 - 01:32 AM



If the people who were interested in parts are okay with me passing there usernames onto the buyer, let me know. I believe he is going to part out the motor and the rolling body.

#328216 RVR Hypergear turbo engine and gearbox in a Nimbus for sale!

Posted by dokworm on 04 March 2016 - 08:16 AM

A deposit has been taken, the new owner to be may be parting some it out though, so all the guys that were messaging me, keep your eyes peeled, you may get the bits you wanted yet.


Kind of breaks my heart to see it go, but the kids have gotta eat!

#264529 RVR Hypergear $500

Posted by dokworm on 11 October 2012 - 07:55 PM

SOLD to KNGGSR: Thanks guys!
I bought (VR401) Miodrag's RVR, it was written off but has minimal damage really. You may be able to put in a request to get the write-off reviewed.

But anyway, it is complete minus the engine and gearbox that I'm putting in the Nimbus. The interior is in good condition, wheels are good but tyres are bald. I'd prefer to sell the rolling shell as one piece, but am open to offers on parts.
Car is in Penrith NSW and I cannot ship.
Want to sell ASAP so first half reasonable or even unreasonable offer will be accepted. I'd rather this go to someone who can use it than make much off it.



Okay, lets say $1000 or best offer. Please feel free to make an offer!

$500 and its yours. I want it gone.

PICS added, those are not the wheels however.

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