Hey guys
I have owned cordias for over 10 years and am a long term member of cordiapower,com
I have owned 4 cordia's in my time..
I purchased a silver GSR almost exactly 2 years ago and it has been under covers for the whole time as a project.
I was wondering if anyone knows the history of this car as it was modded extensively by one of its previous owners.
here is a rundown of the mods:
2L dash
TD-05 turbo
Turbosmart 38 wastegate
VR-4 inter cooler
VL turbo fuel pump
Microtech MT-4 fuel only
It has 18" wheels on it but in the past it possibly could have had black or dark silver 16-17 inch wheels
Here is a video
any insight would be GREATLY appreciated, as i like to know a history on all cars i have owned...
thanks peeps and i have enjoyed browsing your forums so far
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Bradley Cain
Bradley Cain
Member Since 19 Aug 2012Offline Last Active Aug 21 2012 11:32 AM