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Steve B.

Steve B.

Member Since 25 Aug 2012
Offline Last Active Oct 17 2015 10:14 PM

In Topic: crank angle sensor info

26 February 2015 - 09:32 PM

hi guys she is up and running again i got a replacement crank angle sensor off ali express including delivery it cost around £10.00 so i was well pleased collecting the car back from the garage this weekend with full mot ready for the road . steve.

In Topic: crank angle sensor info

21 December 2014 - 02:34 PM

thanks for the info lads but this seems to get more complicated the more you find out think the best idea is to get the old one off and try to match it up to a new one. mitsubishi want to releave me of a mear £600.00 for a genuine new one.