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Member Since 01 Sep 2012
Offline Last Active Jun 28 2024 10:15 AM

#302230 Noise, Respect, The Need For Speed And The Grumpy Hill Billy

Posted by Banno on 10 June 2014 - 08:11 AM

Before moving to Mt. Nebo, did you do some research into the area? Traffic numbers, noise complaints etc? This is about as bad as the people who moved near Lakeside Raceway (Est 1961), then complained that the noise from the cars on the track was too loud. Lakeside Raceway now has noise limits thanks to those residents, so these loud cars you want off the road cant go there anymore if they exceed the limits (the limit isn't that loud either). Residents in Ipswich have also complained about the noise from the Amberley RAAF base (Est December 1938) because the noise from the jets are too loud. You knew that Mt. Nebo is a touristic route and that you would have had a fair amount of traffic. With traffic comes vehicles with loud exhausts. Unfortunately that's the way the world revolves, and jumping on a few forums complaining about noise will incur some flack from members whom do not see eye to eye with you.