I should have given more info to you guy's I really am appreciative that people took the time to reply so thanks to all .Now specifically the E9 hubs are rs type they were spares for my 7rs but I got thinking about using the spare Bilstein's & 9 hubs I have on this car it is actually a 6 rs , although I haven't researched the GSR & TM much as they held no interest for me I do remember reading that the TM is based on the rs model then hopefully from what you have said this change over should work ?. The current set up is Ralliart front & as the Ralliart rears failed I put a set of Bilstien's rears in at the softest setting . The car handles well and does all I ask of it but the ride is very track like where as my 7rs handles just as well with the MR Bilstein set up it tends to understeer initially but is better able to soak up mid corner bumps and is dependable , where as the 6rs tends to skate a bit making it more tail happy when pushed and a handful on occasion .
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