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Member Since 16 Sep 2012
Offline Last Active Sep 20 2013 08:09 AM

In Topic: Clutch (or Gearbox) woes

05 December 2012 - 08:13 AM

Had a similar problem not so long ago! Clutch was dragging and shuddering from time to time! Anyway when I pulled it out I found 3 pieces of the center that retains one of the cushion spring broken off and jamming things up! Didn't expect to find that when I pulled it out!

In Topic: Exedy Clutch Kits - Sports Tuff Organic (old) Racing Sports Organic (new)

28 November 2012 - 12:50 AM

I think you found the write up on jumbuck yahoo groups. I think you are a member there?
Neil has his pics up and I have some up as well. I think there is some in my members rides on here as well..
My plate is aluminum and Neils is in steel. I also fitted a switch to run the nlts, that I love...

Had a look at your aluminium plate and also have Neil's template file! Thanks Neil. Has anyone had problems with the firewall still cracking with the plate in place? Cheers...

In Topic: Exedy Clutch Kits - Sports Tuff Organic (old) Racing Sports Organic (new)

28 November 2012 - 12:48 AM


In Topic: W5M33 gearbox end play.

27 November 2012 - 01:40 AM

No worries, hope you win the battle!

In Topic: W5M33 gearbox end play.

26 November 2012 - 11:15 AM

Hey there, yeah what a painful thing to remove! I ended up modifying a cheap ass 2 leg puller that only just did the job! I ground down the ends to around 1 mm so it would fit between the syndrome ring and hub. Initially it just wanted to slip out so I put a piece of flat bar bent into a c shape around the puller legs to hold them in firm. It was only a scew type puller with a 16mm thread, it only just managed to move it! My next step if that failed was to machine up a split puller plate with a 1mm lip that would pull evenly around the hub! Would have had to make it fit around 5th selector rod and the plastic oil feed! Glad the first idea worked! You could try some heat on the hub to expand it slightly without putting much heat into the shaft! But don't heat it too much!