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Member Since 16 Sep 2012
Offline Last Active Sep 20 2013 08:09 AM

Hello from Harden NSW

18 November 2012 - 06:21 AM

Hey all

I'm Dave and I have a 2004 proton jumbuck with a 4G93T and GSR box in FWD mode!

I bought a GSR half cut back in 2008 with 64,000 k's on the clock! My jummy had 86,000 k's on it when I did the conversion!
It's a daily driver with nearly 160,000 k's now! The motor is still going well but the box and clutch has just failed. In the process of rebuilding a second hand box now!


Stock internals
TD04L @ 12psi
Hand made dump pipe into full 3 inch stainless system
PWR front mount
K'N with custom airbox


Exedy Clutch Kits - Sports Tuff Organic (old) Racing Sports Organic (new)

18 November 2012 - 03:51 AM

Hi all

Some pics of my new Exedy racing sports organic clutch kit against my old sports tuff setup!

W5M33 gearbox end play.

04 November 2012 - 03:38 AM

Hi all, I have a gsr W5M33 that's done 75,000 K's. While fitting a viscous lock I checked the input and lay shaft end play! I temporarily bolted the sandwich plate back tight. The lay shaft had no end play at all but the input shaft has 0.24mm, a fair bit above the 0.05mm spec! Any thoughts on whether this would be acceptable to run with or should I open the box up and inspect the bearings? Thanks in advance for any insight into this!
