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Kamal Chauhan

Kamal Chauhan

Member Since 25 Sep 2012
Offline Last Active Oct 08 2012 11:08 AM

In Topic: Engine and few other interesting items

30 September 2012 - 07:36 AM

Any photo's of turbo hoe many km's on it? stock 4g93 or 4g63 manifold?

In Topic: WTB: GSR Intake Manifold

26 September 2012 - 05:59 AM

hi mate. Yes I still have it. $50 if you are interested. i am located in Sydney.

yeah sweet is this weekend good? And whereabouts are you? Pm your mobile number thanks

In Topic: WTB: GSR Intake Manifold

26 September 2012 - 05:25 AM

Hey mate. Don't know if you found one yet. I have one for sale. I am in Sydney as well.

Hey mate do you still have a gsr manifold?

In Topic: GSR parts

25 September 2012 - 06:39 AM

Hey mate are the rim's still for sale and where abouts in sydney are you?

In Topic: Wrecking lancer GSR cc

25 September 2012 - 06:27 AM

I am wrecking a GSR. Location Townsville. Freight is cheap for smaller bits Paint code BB Trim code. X1 It's probably easier to list the parts I don't have. Motor (do have a 4G63 for sale soon) Gearbox Transfer Computer Computer loom Speedo Parts of interest Front seats. On hold Rears seats. On hold Rear diff centre Most panels are good apart from a few bangs here and there. Drivers door has a largish ding at the top. Bonnet good and has a small mark. In it Roof sold I think All glass If there is anything u need in particular. Let me know. My sale deal is this. I will charge $50/ hr to remove anything. If it take 15 mins + 15 to drive to post office. I will charge u $25 plus freight. If it takes me an hr to pack it. U can pay for that. Lol If it takes me 5 hrs. Its gonna hurt u. Pics tomorrow as I get it pulled apart Cheers

Do you still have the stock manifold if so how much to send it down to sydney? And just confirm the engine is a 4g93t