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I'm thinking of placing a Pioneer TS-WX77A or TS-WX710A underneath the boot floor, instead of the plastic panel with the little spaces that houses there.
Don't know if it fits, I haven't measured it yet. My HSG is still in state of repairs and I don't have it round the house.
Could be one of my colleagues saw you driving trough Germany.
An RVR HSGR normally stands out from the crowd especially on the European mainland.
At first he told me it was a German RVR. I told him It would most likely be a British RVR. Because the only RVR in Germany went back to England a couple of years ago.
I've been in Gloucester this summer.
Not with the RVR though it's still in a state of repairs.
Posted by Super Top
on 01 February 2013 - 10:41 AM
Low beam shares the bulb with high beam. It's an dual filament H4 bulb. Park light and cornering light is in the most outside units next to the headlights. They have an 21/5 Watt dual filament light bulb. BA15D fitment. In the lower vents of the front bar. There's the Indicators. 21 watt light bulb. And the optional fog lights which is probably H1 or H3 light bulb.
There are several possibilities. - Both low-beam filaments in the H4 bulbs are broken. - Both fuses of the low-beam lights are broken. - Your switch on the steering column is malfunctioning. - A combination of the first two is also possible. 1 fuse and 1 bulb.
In the most cases it's just the bulbs that need to be replaced. If they were both changed at the same time. They have been on an equal time. Due to the limited lifetime of a light bulb. They will also quit working almost at the same time.