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Member Since 01 May 2005
Offline Last Active Mar 02 2006 04:21 AM

trouble logging in

21 January 2006 - 02:55 AM

is it just me having trouble???

wtb -m21 brakes setup to go on my cc lancer (asap)

12 January 2006 - 02:50 AM

as the subject says :lol: ... i need all new brake pads and dont wanna waste money replacing them when i want to do the whole brake setup


FTO gearbox problems

23 December 2005 - 02:34 AM

im posting this up for a mate cause i knew someone here would be able to help

i have a mate who just purchased an fto with a shot gearbox. Its the tip tronic/auto one, and the motor in the 6 cylinder version.
He got quoted over $1000 for one from a couple of wreckers, and im thinking fuck that, id want it installed for that much too.
I think the gearbox is a F4A42 or something....im just wondering if these come in any other mitsu's, or something that wasnt an import so he doesnt pay the premium. Or even if someone has a cheap solution/source. ( a rebuild isnt an option btw)
thanks for any assistance.
if anyone knows a good aussie mitsu forum that has a good classifieds let me know of that too

frnt cuts in vic

19 December 2005 - 01:54 PM

does anyone know where is a good place to find them ... im looking for an evo III or gsr (dependings on prices) in vic

New Car

29 October 2005 - 04:03 AM

Hey looks like my lancer is FINALLY going to be sold for 5.5k ... and this is the car im looking at getting ... what does everyone think??

I know its not a mitsu but its a targa top 8)

Posted Image

what do you think??

with this front bumper