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Member Since 30 Sep 2012
Offline Last Active Oct 01 2012 06:47 AM

In Topic: My 4g63T MH Triton

30 September 2012 - 11:10 AM

hi there 4g
Mate i'm new to this forum aswell but just though i' post to say that i'm also in the process of putting a 4g63t into my 2000 mk triton trayback.
at the moment the ute is stripped down to a shell and it is getting painted as we speak. its going stage 2 viper blue.
i've just started rebuilding the engine while its getting painted. so far i stripped it down to a bare block, had it dipped and decked, also just recieved a set of 20 thou oversize wiesco pistons and a set of manley rods from the states so the block is in the shop now getting built
I think i will be getting a bellhousing from bill hincher from the states to hook up w series toyota box, don't know yet

mate if you have any hint or tricks to look out for that would be awesome

cheers dave