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Lese Alafaio

Lese Alafaio

Member Since 10 Oct 2012
Offline Last Active Nov 01 2015 11:10 AM

In Topic: 1992 Mitsubishi Lancer GSR 2 Litre Turbo (Perth WA)

30 October 2015 - 05:57 AM

Not too sure, saw a post where he said he was done with these cars. I may be wrong

In Topic: 1992 Mitsubishi Lancer GSR 2 Litre Turbo (Perth WA)

29 October 2015 - 01:29 AM

I didn't think Sean would be interested. He's seen my posts

In Topic: 1992 Mitsubishi Lancer GSR 2 Litre Turbo (Perth WA)

28 October 2015 - 11:23 PM

7500 final price

In Topic: 1992 Mitsubishi Lancer GSR 2 Litre Turbo (Perth WA)

28 October 2015 - 11:14 PM


In Topic: Selling my 1992 Mitsubishi Lancer GSR 2 Litre Turbo

26 October 2015 - 04:44 AM

I cant post in the cars for sale section for some reason and not too sure if allowed to post in this section