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Member Since 03 Nov 2012
Offline Last Active Jan 02 2013 11:11 AM

In Topic: Ecu change in HSG

04 November 2012 - 10:02 AM

AFM in hyper gear rvr is 878 which is different to evo 123 No 609. Ssg rvr comes with 609.
Also, there is a difference between 878 and 609 in ecu code. I have somewhere multiplayer and adder for two as well as afm compensations.
As for late evo ecu, best is evo 8 usdm or edm with 4 plugs on them so you can just swap some wires/pins on your rvr ecu plugs and plug it straight into evo 8 ecu. It has been done on evo3 with great results.

So shuld i try a 609 evo afm and my evo 2 ecu 2gether on my hsg....being that i have later afm and u say ecu code is diferent than my evo 2 ecu i wish to run?? I dont understand the tables u posted

In Topic: Ecu change in HSG

03 November 2012 - 08:11 AM

I think the injectors are smaller than evo, also different afm. Also maybe different cams and turbo, but this Shouldn't bother you.
Do the afm and check what colour injectors you have. That should get you in the ballpark. A wideband o2 sensor would be nice to check fueling after

Ive just searchd my factory afm number e5t08072 and its factory in evo 4,5,6. so im guesing changin tht to tha earlier evo 123 afm ta match ecu might help. my injectors have bright yellow tops and turbo is tdo5 and this is all factory.

In Topic: Ecu change in HSG

03 November 2012 - 05:23 AM

Are the rvr and evo ecu pins the same? I know there is a difference in the cas. I don't know if they are compatible
Pop the lid on the ecu and check for cooked components.
Also consider ecmlink, or the later evo ecu that is tunable and just needs a few pins moved
ECM link will run any afm evo, magna or your current one

Im un.sure i jst figured thy wuld be the same 4g63 motor so ecu would work. I popped lid....looks fine no cookd parts or burnt smell. What is cas?
I just want the evo ecu to get from 180kw to 205kw but have no ambition to mke more power than that as it is a tow vehicle.