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Member Since 10 Nov 2012
Offline Last Active Jul 04 2013 01:00 AM

In Topic: WTB LSD rear diff centre

03 July 2013 - 08:53 AM

Not sure if your still looking I have complete evo2 rs gearbox transfer and rear diff all lsd but rear diff is open at the moment needs some tlc all still in car tho

In Topic: Another NZ newbie

11 November 2012 - 10:53 PM

I had the same plan of pulling mine down after I killed it but never could. Mine was the same, limiter launch's, a few circuit days at ruapuna and heap of drag days. 510cc evo injectors, front mount, factory gsr afm and ecu, walbro fuel pump, evo throttle body and an apexi safc2 is a really good match for a gsr.

Basically everything I want to do plus a link, I think I'm more into what I can fabricate for it - like the extractors I made them from scratch no jigs or anything same as down pipe, photobucket link shows pics thru the build (wish I had taken more!)

In Topic: Another NZ newbie

11 November 2012 - 06:14 PM

I'm in Wellington, yea vr4 front mount, 450cc injectors (at the moment) Bosch wideband O2, plus other bits and pieces and only running about 13psi currently, luckily I have a mate who is a mechanic/gear box mechanic for anything that's above my head.

To be honest I have given my car absolute death at Manfield race track and its never missed a beat no matter how many times I've sat on the limiter and/or abused it, if it did pop it would give me a reason to strip the whole car down and start again, cos when I bought the car things had been half done.

Side note: it's mainly a track car comes out in the weekend sometimes and saving $$ for a cage

In Topic: Another NZ newbie

11 November 2012 - 08:39 AM

Yea aiming not to put the rods through the block at the moment

In Topic: Another NZ newbie

11 November 2012 - 08:35 AM

More photos http://m1336.photobu.../albums/STUXGSR